Why Documenting My Journey Became So Important to Me

As many people who followed my journey know, this all started with a simple Facebook post while I was in the ER after having my first tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure. I had so many people reach out to express their concern and asking us to keep them updated that I began writing, at a minimum, a daily article about what happened throughout the day.

Throughout these days and months I my journey and this platform began to become something that people were telling me was an inspiration to them. It was helping to make a positive impact on their lives. I began having people reach out to me privately for advice, asking if I would talk with others going through tough times, and several others ways that I was being asked to make an impact on their lives.

I was astounded but also came to realize that I could use this platform to make help others even more. I could scale the Built Unstoppable platform even broader. It became my passion project. It started from continuing to write for 545 days straight, starting with that first night and ending the last day of chemo. Now I have added regular articles, a newsletter, and a podcast. All of this intended to help others more broadly.

We all have something that we’re passionate about. This can range from a single experience, a journey that we’ve been on, charity work, or any number of other things. What is it that you’re passionate about?

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