Posts tagged productivity
Understanding Daily Routines to Increase Productivity

In the past when I would evaluate my schedule in an effort to optimize my time, I would consider only the working hours of the day. For me, pre-pandemic, this has always been roughly between 7:30a-5:30p. During those hours, I time block my calendar, to the best of my abilities, including reading/research time, time to process email, and any other items that I did not have time to accomplish the night before.

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9 Ways to Recover When You Hit a Wall

Now, there are times, especially during these days where we’ve been working from home for the last 3 months where we need to walk away from our computers for a while. We all need and deserve those breaks. However, sometimes it can be that your morning just got started off on the wrong foot. That’s easy to correct. At the far extreme, it can mean that you’ve hit burnout. Just a bit of advice: try to avoid the burnout side of the spectrum at ALL cost. That can lead down a deep and dark path that affects all aspects of your life.

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