Changing Your Mindset from Negative to Positive

It’s so easy to fall into a negative mindset about either something in particular or a series of things. Sometimes it hits right at where are most vulnerable. At times this can lead to depression for which you should seek professional help without fear of judgement.

But, at it’s basic level, we should always be working to change our mindset to see these negatives in a positive light, though it might be hard to at the time. As the saying goes, we always need to believe that something happens for a reason.

In my case, going through my medical issues helped me in several ways from understanding my true inner strength, understanding the impact that I can have on others through telling my life story, and how I can have an even bigger impact with those organizations that we want to support.

Now that I’m unemployed it’s pushed me to finally invest more time into the Built Unstoppable platform thus wanting to leave a legacy, expanding my ability to help even more people while delving into other aspects of my life that I may not have previously shared publicly.

I’ve heard many stories both in the past and certainly most recently that how people losing their full-time job forced them to reconsider their priorities and instead build their own company where they controlled their destiny as opposed to someone else.

Many people have had to look at ways to replace their income such as full-time speakers by doing research and investing in building out home studios such as Jeremiah Owyang and several other friends of mine. Other friends have launched daily video shows on Facebook and YouTube such as Chris Brogan, Laura Gassner Otting, and Joseph Jaffee.

All of these examples were of people who took negatives and turned them into positives by changing their mindset. As you assess your life look for areas where you may already done this and note them down. If you have negatives in front of you now, look for ways that you can change them into a positive. You may find that it is easier than you think.