Stop Letting the Start Line Move

I was recently having a conversation with a friend and a particular topic came up about organizations continuing to move the goal post from accomplishing what you were setting out to accomplish. In the context of that conversation, it was others moving our end goal, the underlying message applies to many aspects of our lives and that starts actually with the beginning. 

We continually move the start line to achieving our goals, whether those goals are simple tasks, larger projects, or broader accomplishments. These can be personal or work-related.

There have been so many times that I’ve put off of a project because it seemed too daunting. When I finally committed myself to simply starting it, I realized that it could be accomplished rather quickly and effortlessly. This is usually followed by me kicking myself that I didn’t take care of it earlier when all it would have taken was just to get it started.

A recent example of this for me was the launch of the Built Unstoppable podcast. It was something that I’ve been meaning to start for YEARS but yet I let the entire process completely overwhelm me instead of just starting and realizing that I can improve over time. It was the fear of whether I was using the right equipment. The fear that my content wouldn’t resonate with anyone. The fear of not having the absolute best cover art.

I let all of it overwhelm me until my Sebastian Rusk kicked my ass. Since then I have been recording weekly. My other friend, Christopher Penn, schooled me and others in a recent newsletter about tools that you can use to expand the capabilities of your podcasts or videos as well.

There are many reasons why we don’t start something in our lives and it usually revolves around fear. Fear of failure. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of criticism for following your passion. Fear of learning.

When well tell ourselves that we’re not scared of it, and, instead, we come up with any number of excuses that we create such as not having enough time. Not enough time for the gym. Not enough time to cook a healthy meal. Not enough time to create content. Not enough time to pursue that passion. That is fear speaking. Full stop.

Stop letting fear and excuses move that start line further ahead.

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