Day 527: My First Day Back in the Office

Though I slept for 7.5 hours last night, I slept very lightly and woke up with a knot in my neck. I think that I slept weird on my pillow causing me to have a bit of a headache when the alarm went off this morning. But, still, my total sleep last night helped me to achieve a 5-day streak, hitting my sleep goal every night since my seizure. 

It was my first time back in the office since the seizure happened and so I spent a lot of time this morning talking with colleagues who were happy to see me back in the office. I made sure to spend time talking with those who were there that night, especially those who I hadn’t seen since it happened. 

I think it helped everyone feel better when they saw me in-person laughing and joking around and not just reading updates on Facebook saying that I’m feeling good. 

I purposely blocked off my calendar so that I wouldn’t have any meetings today. This week I have a lot of deliverables due to close out Q4 and 2015 as well as get Q1 and 2016 underway. I was happy to have tackled several of them today and will hopefully finish another one or two in between a day of back-to-back meetings tomorrow. 

When you work in a large company several of these deliverables must be done according to a precise schedule so there’s very few things that I could have jumped out on to have gotten done much earlier. 

After work we came home and I headed next door to get in a quick workout. Here is what I decided to do: 


  • Jump Rope - 5 minutes

Main Set

  • Bench Jump - 20s ON/10s OFF
  • Alternating Step-up Jumps - 20s ON/10s OFF
  • x 10 rounds
  • Medicine Ball Slams (12 lbs) - 3 x 15 reps

Though it only took me 20 minutes to complete the workout, it completely smoked my legs. It has been a couple of months since I last used my rope so that shocked my legs, especially my calves. 

I have been relaxing and recovering tonight while enjoying getting back into a routine. It’ll still be a couple more days before Laura and I are completely settled in but we’re making the necessary adjustments.