Built Unstoppable

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Day 541: Starting the Week Off with a Nightmare

Though I slept hard last night, I had a nightmare that I had another seizure. It was a nightmare so real that it took me a while after waking up to shake it off. 

One of the scary things following a seizure is the fear that another one is going to happen. It happens every time I stutter or search for a word. For that split second I am scared that another seizure is happening. It causes me to overthink which in turn probably causes me to stutter or search for words even more. 

I had a busy Monday morning with several back-to-back meetings. The afternoon ended up becoming busy with tasks that weren’t on my to-do list but needed to get done. Instead of scheduling them for another day, I just crushed through them. I was able to get into a groove tackling a batch of tasks that needed to get done. 

Laura had a meeting that ran late so we ended up getting home a couple of hours later than usual. Because of what time we got home I didn’t go to the gym tonight.  

Even though I took tonight off of working out I still accomplished the first day of the #PlankForCBD challenge. Today was easy since it was only 20 seconds however it will get harder quickly as the next couple of weeks go on. 

Tomorrow morning I have to get my Day 21 blood work done. I confused my weeks, thinking that I was supposed to get my Day 21 blood work done this Friday while at UCSF. Actually, I was supposed to get that blood draw done last Friday so that I can get my Day 28 blood work done this Friday. It won’t be a big deal to get the blood work done tomorrow and then again on Friday. 

This means that my last round of chemo will start one week from today. I decided that I want to start this round on Monday so that we can enjoy Super Bowl Sunday without having to worry about timing or anything else like that. 

Knowing that I’m starting my last round next Monday brings about a lot of emotions. I am really happy to bring this chapter of our life to a close. However, with it comes a transition of moving from writing a daily update to writing more articles like I was writing while on medical leave. 

As I have mentioned before, I decided that my final daily update will be on my final day of chemo. It seemed like the right day to bring it to a close. 

I will still publish updates on my Facebook and Twitter. But, I will focus the time that I devote to writing these updates to beginning to work on the Built Unstoppable book and exploring topics of interest more like sleep hacking, healthy habits, etc.