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Day 538: Finishing the 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

I had intended on sleeping in but at 5:40a Darren started crying as loud as he could until I opened the bedroom door. We used to keep it open but after Sasha got into some after-hours trouble, we keep it closed now. I was able to fall in/out of sleep for another 45 minutes but Darren was walking all over us so it wasn’t great sleep. Still, though, I was able to get 7.5 hours of sleep so I was happy with it. 

With no meetings on the schedule today I was able to finish off the week strong with getting the last few high priority deliverables submitted. 

Mid-afternoon we had a farewell lunch for one of our colleagues who is leaving Citrix after being with the company for 18 years. It was nice to spend time with colleagues, enjoy a couple of margaritas and share a few laughs. 

After finishing off work on a few more projects I headed over to the gym for my final 500 kettlebell swings of this challenge. 

I did the same rep ranges as last night - 5 rounds of 20/30/50 reps with 30 seconds rest in between each set and one minute in between each round. I was able to finish the workout in 25:30 minutes which is in range of where my other workouts have finished. 

I am very happy to have completed the challenge. It was hard and was met with some hiccups throughout it such as travel, my seizure and straining a muscle here or there but I set a goal to accomplish the full 10,000 swings and that is exactly what I did. 

The one thing that I did today which wasn’t that smart was that I did my workout about 1.5 hours after finishing a heavy Mexican lunch. That didn’t feel too good. Add that to my post-workout protein shake and I haven't felt too eager to eat dinner tonight.  

After an extremely busy week at work I am really looking forward to relaxing this weekend. We have nothing on the agenda besides some basic errands on Sunday as usual.