Built Unstoppable

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Day 533: Championship Sunday

When I first woke up this morning I thought that we had overslept since I never heard the alarm go off. And then I remembered it was Sunday and I didn’t have to worry about waking up to an alarm until tomorrow. What a wonderful feeling. 

After taking care of Sasha it was time to get swinging. I warmed up with 2 minutes of jump rope, just as I have for this entire week. I then decided to test out altering the rounds and reps to see if I would finish faster. 

Instead of 20 rounds of 25 reps (or some slight variation of that), I did 15 rounds of 30 reps with one finishing round of 50 reps. Even though I maintained 30-60 second rests in between each round, I, surprisingly, came in around 2 minutes slower than I had on Friday.  

I then hauled my kettlebell back across our community and upstairs so that I could spend quality time with my TriggerPoint GRID roller since my lower back was sore.  

We knocked out errands relatively quickly this morning since I wanted to get home to watch the AFC and NFC Championship games. 

While New England fell short of another trip to the Super Bowl, I am happy for Peyton Manning and psyched to see the Carolina Panthers heading to Santa Clara. I have always been a fan of Cam Newton so it’s great to watch him having the season that he has had. 

It’ll be interesting to see the preparations go into overdrive now that the two teams have been decided and the Championship games are done. It has been fascinating to watch on a daily basis. You can see a majority of it right from the windows on our floor. 

As Laura gets ready to head to an offsite meeting tomorrow in Napa for the next couple of days, she helped by prepping a few meals for me. 

We realized that the last time we did actual meal-prepping on a Sunday night was the night that this entire medical journey started for us.  

It was when she was prepping meals for me that I had my initial seizure which shattered both of my shoulders and led to us spending 12 nights in the hospital (the first time). 

On a happier note, Facebook helped me to remember that it was one year ago tonight that we met our niece and goddaughter, Emma, for the first time. She was only 2 weeks old when we first met her. She has grown so much in just that year and we don’t even get to spend every day with her. 

Monday and Tuesday night will be a bit different for Laura and I with her being away. She never travels for work and rarely travels alone personally. Though I have to travel for work several times a year, it’s unusual that I’m home alone and it hasn’t happened since my seizures have happened. 

We’re planning on treating it just like we have when I have traveled as far as how often we check in with each other, etc. We’re not overly concerned about it but is yet something else that isn’t as easy as it used to be.