Built Unstoppable

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Day 539: The Density Doomsday Workout

At least Sasha and Darren let me sleep until 6:30a this morning instead of starting to wake me up at 5:40a like they did yesterday. 

Every weekend there is a small part of me that hopes I’ll be able to sleep until 7:30-8:00a but it never happens. I am always up between 6:15-7:00a which is okay because it allows me to get over to the gym before Laura wakes up. 

Even though my body was tired from doing 500 kettlebell swings two days in a row, I pushed myself with another hard workout that was designed by BJ Gaddour from Men’s Health. 

I am really enjoying his programming and have been collecting a list of workouts by saving them into Evernote every time I see a new one posted either by him or by Men’s Health. 

Today’s workout was called Density Doomsday

  • Squat press
  • Dead-stop push-ups
  • Low lateral squat switch
  • Pull complex - 2 rows, 1 curl
  • Butterfly sit-ups
  • Running in place

The workout called for 6 cycles starting with 40 seconds ON/20 seconds OFF and then adding 5 seconds more work to each round while reducing the rest by 5 seconds each round. 

I had completed all of the exercises previously with the exception of the low lateral squat switch. Because of that I really had to focus on form and am sure that I didn’t always perform the reps fully but I continued to push. 

After having such a busy week we decided to enjoy a simple day laying on the couch binge-watching TV. We usually try getting out to hang out on Saturdays, even if it’s just walking around a downtown area or the mall, but every once in a while binge-watching TV is exactly what the doctor ordered.